Monday, September 10, 2012

Two More for the Roll

Special Education and Disability Rights Blog 
 A blog created to assist Special Education Teachers is a great place to go for some answers to common questions and concerns. This blog consistently posts articles that relate to the policies of disability rights and also things one can do to help assist students with disabilities both in a special education setting and an inclusive classroom. I will use this website, when I am a teacher to view the new policies that are being discussed or made, so that I may give my students everything they need in order to be successful both inside and outside of the classroom.

Topics in Early Childhood Education Is a blog about Early Childhood Education. The author of this blog, John Funk, is an experienced early childhood teacher, who focuses his blog on giving other Early Childhood Education Teachers advice for various different situations. The latest post that he had was about going back to school. He gives ideas for activities one can do with his/her students with in the first week of school, and ideas on how to organize the classroom. Because I am interested in becoming an early childhood education teacher this is very important to have as a source.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My Beliefs about Technology and Learning

Pros:  Technology is a great opportunity for a teacher to make a connection to his/her students. We are entering a generation where technology is becoming more and more prominent in our daily lives, and it is our jobs as teachers and future teachers to bring that aspect into the classroom. Not only is technology able to connect teachers to students, but it is also capable of connecting students to the world outside of the classroom. This kind of connection helps students understand what takes place in the real world in order to prepare them for success after their schooling careers. 

Cons: Although technology has many great aspects, it also consists of possible draw backs. One draw back to current technology is human to human communication gradually becoming less dominant in the daily lives of some teenagers. Some students may have it in their minds that because it is easier to just talk to people online, then they tend to direct themselves away from human contact as much as possible. Another draw back to technology is that not every student has the availability of internet or a computer at his/her home. This would give them a disadvantage to those particular students and may discourage them in and outside of the classroom.