Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Teaching Channel is a website that has a various amount of videos that teachers could use as resources for their classrooms.

I watched one video from the section titled Common Core. This section has videos of lessons that other teachers have developed that go along with Common Core Standards.

The first video I watched was about a math lesson. Students were split up into groups and every group was given the problem to cut a square. The assignment had three sections and the children had to work together in order to come up with the solution. The teacher walked around the room, stopping at each group to make sure they are working together. This is a great way for students to learn actively while still having the lesson follow the Common Core Standards. Video 1

The second Video was about a teacher, who gave her students a sticky note to write down their ideas or questions for the discussion. This has been very successful because it allows the students to write down the questions or statements that they have while they are reading. So, instead of reading and forgetting what they find difficult to understand or interesting, they have that small reference to go back to and look at. Video 2

Both of these videos show the opportunities teachers have to improve the learning of their students will still being able to follow the standards. The Teaching Channel is a great resource for teachers looking for new ideas to keep their students actively engaged and able to absorb information. Check it out!

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